I attended Ignite Raleigh this past Wednesday, and I thought I’d put up my thoughts on the event (yes, I know I’m doing this backward, but posting barcamp notes is far easier than writing an actual post).
IgniteRaleigh was pretty awesome. The talks ranged from fantastic to fairly dreadful, but all of them had something interesting to talk about. The top ones for me were Wayne Sutton’s “19 Reasons why the Triangle is better than Silicon Valley” and Nathaniel Talbott’s “Building a Learning Machine”, a talk about important steps in building and running a startup.
Naturally, a lot of the rest of the talks centered on social media, and while it’s certainly a topic of interest, I’ve become pretty bored of talking about social media.
The talk I had really been interested in at the time was one about the creation of open mesh networks, but it didn’t really tell me anything I didn’t know. However, I am convinced that a mesh network in Durham is easily as feasible as one in Raleigh; potentially even more so, since one constrained to downtown and its neighborhoods wouldn’t need to be anywhere near as big as one in Raleigh.
So, as I said, overall, a very good event. I’m really looking forwards to next year’s, and I may see if I can come up with a talk for it.